How To Change Payout Bank Details

Change where you receive your payouts on Stage Stubs.

You can change your bank details quickly and easily from your Stage Stubs seller account. 

In order to change these details log into your account, click on Account > Settings > Bank Account information > Update Account.

Here, you will be redirected to a Stripe authentication page where you can update your bank account information by selecting the option under 'Payout details


Once selected, you will have the option to 'Add Account'. This is where you will add your new card details, and confirm these changes by pressing 'SAVE'.

Once you have saved your new card, you will see multiple account under 'Payouts Accounts'. Ensure the correct card is marked as default. You can do this by clicking the edit icon (Pencil icon) and selecting the new card as your default, or you can remove the other accounts completely. 


Once you are happy with your changes to your payout information, you can then head back to the Stage Stubs website.


Please note: if this is your first event with Stage Stubs you will need to request your payouts being enabled. To learn more click here