Swapping Tickets

Stage Stubs allows you to swap tickets in case the wrong seats were selected or you wish to attend the same event on a different day or time. Tickets can be swapped by our support team, given that there are seats available for the showing that you wish to change to.

Tickets can only be swapped for seats with equal cost. You cannot swap a discounted ticket to a full-price ticket in other section, or a child ticket to an adult ticket if there is a price difference.

Since there is no option to swap tickets in your attendee account, please contact our support team by phone, email or in Live Chat to request your tickets swapped.

The following information is required to submit such a request:

The email address registered for your buyer account
The full name of the buyer
The order number
The date and time of the showing that you need to swap your tickets to
Current seat IDs that you would like to be swapped (if there are multiple tickets in the order and only a part of them needs to be swapped)
New seat IDs that need to be swapped to

Please check the seating plan of the desired showing to make sure there are available seats before submitting a ticket swapping request.

New tickets are sent to your email address after the seats have been swapped successfully. The order number remains the same.