How to Create an Event Attendee Account

In order to buy tickets on Stage Stubs you need to have an event attendee account. There are several ways to create such an account on Stage Stubs.

To buy tickets on Stage Stubs, you need an event attendee account. Create an account on Stage Stubs to proceed. 

If you already have a seller account, please use a different email to register as a buyer.

Register first, buy later

Go to directly and fill in your details:

After you have entered your details and clicked to register, you will be redirected to your account at once. There, you can find events that you are interested in and buy tickets.

Book & Register

On the home page of Stage Stubs, you may click to Buy Tickets or Find Event. Any of those will redirect you to the page where you can type keywords in the search field and see what events are available. The search is done by the name of the event, organiser's business name or the location of the event.

Once you find your event and go to its page, click to Book Tickets. Select your tickets and add them to the basket, then click Checkout. This is when you see a registration pop-up in which you need to enter the data to register your buyer account.

When your registration and purchase has been completed, you will be redirected to your Stage Stubs account where you can see your existing orders and buy new tickets.

Learn How to download your tickets